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Название reply@email.rondesantis.com will massage your ego in return for money
Описание: You know how politicians are. They want money -- reply@email.rondesantis.com is no exception -- and will do just about anything for it. Obviously as a socially conservative culture warrier, Ron DeSantis is right there with the best of them. Assuming that your tastes in private acts are in line with his government approved choices, you will find things very good. So send money today and trust that big intrustive government will always be in line with your tastes. In fact, you probably need to send extra money just to be sure that no one whose tastes as "wrong" winds up in charge.
Количество видео: 10
Created: Sep 27, 2022
User: repl0915
Обновлен: Sep 27, 2022
Создал: Аватар пользователя repl0915 repl0915

Видио в Плейлисте

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