Alberto Rey

Alberto Rey was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1966. He’s also known by the following aliases: Robert, Al Bertone, Alberto Rej, Umberto Ray, Alberto Louis, Albert Louis, Emilio Sancez, Alberto Ray, Alberto, Alberto Sanchez, and Emilio Sanchez. He decided to start banging precious babes in the spotlight when he was 27 in 1993. Since then his life took a very pleasant turn. Easily recognizable for his bulky physique and endless stamina, Rey is the kind of actor that will never let you down. Also, he is worldwide famous for getting multiple orgasms ejaculating within a few seconds each time. He is well known for his collaboration in Peter North’s North Pole series, his works in the Language Teacher and the Strait of Orders, with the famous director Steve Morelli. Also he got to be the famous robot in the Terminator parody Penetrator 2: Grudge Day. Watch his hottest scenes for free!
День рождения: 12 November, 1966 Количество видео: 21